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Increasing/Decreasingf(x) is increasing whenever f (x) is positive f(x) is decreasing whenever f (x) is negativeF. Extremaf(a) is a maximum if f (a) is 0 or undefined, AND f(x) is changing from increasing to decreasing (this would show up as a sign change on f (x) from positive to negative, and also as a negative value for f (a) Also, any closed endpoints must also be examined for potential maximums. f(a) is a minimum if f (a) is 0 or undefined, AND f(x) is changing from decreasing to increasing (this would show up as a sign change on f (x) from negative to positive, and also as a positive value for f (a) Also, any closed endpoints must also be examined for potential minimums.G. Concavityf(x) is concave up whenever f (x) is positive. (this would also show up as f (x) increasing.) f(x) is concave down whenever f (x) is negative. (this would also show up as f (x) decreasing.)H. Inflection Points(a, f(a) ) is an inflection point if f(x) is changing concavity at a. This would show up as a sign change on f (x), in either direction.I. SKETCH CAREFULLYIf needed, calculate a few y-values by substitution * Verify the sketchCheck the points and/or intervals for each characteristic to make sure your sketch matches your analysis, Be sure you have labeled the scale on each axis, and that your graph and work are legible. How f(x) , f (x), and f (x) are related f(x) FUNCTIONf (x) FIRST DERIVATIVEf (x) SECOND DERIVATIVESKETCHIncreasing PositiveNo Clues here!Decreasing NegativeNo Clues here!Maximum Will be = 0 or undef, AND Changing + to -NegativeMinimum Will be = 0 or undef, AND Changing to +PositiveConcave Up IncreasingPositiveConcave Down DecreasingNegativeInflection Point Maximum or MinimumWill be = 0 or undef, AND Changing sign =>?I= > ? @ C D P    " # $ % ' L ` a t u ȼȼԢԢȼԭȼԓ}lԭԓV+jN`$G hh^dCJOJQJUVaJ!jLhh^dEHOJQJU+j_$G hh^dCJOJQJUVaJjhh^dOJQJUhh73OJQJhh^dCJOJQJaJhh^d5OJQJhhC5OJQJhh^dOJQJhh^d5CJ OJQJaJ h\h^d5CJ(OJQJaJ(!.=>IfSS$Ifgd\l {kd$$Ifl0 (`  t0644 layt$$Ifa$gdl $a$gd\ B qqq$Ifgd\l {kd$$Ifl0 (`  t0644 laytB C P } qqqq$Ifgd\l {kd&$$Ifl0 (`  t0644 layt  M  [ qqqqqq$Ifgd\l {kd$$Ifl0 (`  t0644 laytu v w y     , ԯԈwh]N]jhhOJQJUhhOJQJhhCJOJQJaJ!jhhEHOJQJU+jm`$G hhCJOJQJUVaJ!j(hhEHOJQJU+je`$G hhCJOJQJUVaJhh^dCJOJQJaJhh^dOJQJjhh^dOJQJU!jhh^dEHOJQJU, - . / 1 [ m    % : S Y ɾqeeVGVhhZ*CJOJQJaJhhJCJOJQJaJhhJ5OJQJhh^d5CJOJQJaJhh^d5OJQJhhC5OJQJhh^dOJQJhhJOJQJhhCJOJQJaJhhOJQJjhhOJQJU!j, hhEHOJQJU+j`$G hhCJOJQJUVaJ  qqq$Ifgd\l {kd $$Ifl0 (`  t0644 layt  % E F fqqqq$Ifgd\l {kdE$$Ifl0 (`  t0644 layt  , D E F G [ t z 'Mfghu  ;<=>(*.ĵީĎނނީv\5Oϴ5Oϴ䴳ϴ5Oϴ󷰼5Oϴ*䴳ϴJ䴳ϴ\ϴϴJ5OϴJϴ.<qqq$Ifgd\l {kd$$Ifl0 (`  t0644 layt<=Sqq$Ifgd\l {kdk$$Ifl0 (`  t0644 layt)qq$Ifgd\l {kd$$Ifl0 (`  t0644 layt)*@qq$Ifgd\l {kd$$Ifl0 (`  t0644 layt 457EF_`yz൪pp3jhh5CJ(OJQJUaJ(mHnHu(jhhOJQJUmHnHuhhOJQJhhCOJQJhh4OJQJh4h^d5CJ(OJQJaJ(h4hC5CJ(OJQJaJ(hCOJQJhh^dOJQJhhJ5OJQJ&567F`zwdddd$Ifgd\l $a$gd4gd\{kd$$$Ifl0 (`  t0644 layt ^KKKKKKK$Ifgd\l kd$$Ifl\ |)z z z z t0644 laytKkdL$$Ifl\ |)z z z z t0644 layt$Ifgd\l Kkd$$Ifl\ |)z z z z t0644 layt$Ifgd\l &'()Kkdv$$Ifl\ |)z z z z t0644 layt$Ifgd\l %&ST\]^`blm{| ˫˫ˠh\hCOJQJ(jhhOJQJUmHnHuhh4OJQJhhCOJQJ(jhh[OJQJUmHnHu(jhhZ*OJQJUmHnHu&)*T]abmnoKkd $$Ifl\ |)z z z z t0644 layt$Ifgd\l opq|Kkd$$Ifl\ |)z z z z t0644 layt$Ifgd\l Kkd5$$Ifl\ |)z z z z t0644 layt$Ifgd\l Kkd$$Ifl\ |)z z z z t0644 layt$Ifgd\l  gd\21h:p^d/ =!`"`#`$`% $$If!vh5` 5#v` #v:V l t065` 5yt$$If!vh5` 5#v` #v:V l t065` 5yt$$If!vh5` 5#v` #v:V l t065` 5yt$$If!vh5` 5#v` #v:V l t065` 5ytjDd b  c $A? ?3"`?2UWM)!ڰ{ `!UWM)!ڰ  @CVxcdd``.cd``baV d,FYzP1n:L B@?b 30sC0&dT20, 01d++&101z:]b mҙX 㫳pQ&?bc&03@A(P 27)?(p6.@e8+[ b35/] J밹x@wmpkÿר\tN;`BNmLLJ% "CX1YAC=`vrDd xb  c $A? ?3"`?2,mT K% {{ `!,mT K% { xt^xcdd``cd``baV d,FYzP1n:L8,56~) @ k7p00sC0&dT20l 01d++&101z:]b F\ A:+a, ~_ UBSO}`&w=! 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